Of My Course

It is forty three years ago that I embark on my mission to “bridge the gap between economic reality and legal doctrine.” It is the reason I became a lawyer, as I cited in my essay seeking admission to law school, my purpose cemented in history in the archives of Fordham University School Of Law, New York. I persevere in my quest, getting ever closer.
My purpose became shaped by the depth of understanding I quickly attain in the breadth of my undertakings forging the spirit of self determination my family lived daily emigrating to the United States from Sicily to fulfill that opportunity. In my first job foray out of college joining the Meadowlands Development Commission across from the New York skyline, the modest role I served gained me uniquely privileged insight into our society’s pragmatic realities from the crossroads of high stakes politics. I studiously assimilated its then novel notion of complementariness of economic development with environmental impact objectives, while observing the friction of economic disparity, as I deepened my understanding with graduate studies in economics in international trade and development.
Very soon I traded the staid world of government for the excitement of entrepreneurship, with my first travel and tourism company becoming the first independently owned company of the New York Tri-State to top its first Million USD in its first year of operations, with my second real estate company right behind it soon becoming a market leader in hospitality and commercial real estate, living the economic truths yielding success in the marketplace while continuing my graduate studies in economics. Contemporaneously I accepted political election to serve public office as President of the Board of Education to foster education as an important societal value and political appointment to serve as Vice-Chairman of the local Zoning Board regulating land use and real estate development, observing first hand our systemic fundamental socio-economic disparities. It is then I resolved to enter the study of law to seek the amelioration of these societal ills, decidedly not for its economic expectations which I had already far surpassed as a young entrepreneur, attending classes by evening and study by night to operate my businesses by day for the continued flourish of our young family with my wife and small children. It was an exhilarating chaos.
Upon my admission to the Bar I immediately launch my law firm with the good fortune of a cascade of lucrative engagements including counsel to governmental entities domestic as well as foreign, banks and financial institutions, commercial real estate developers, restaurateurs and hoteliers. In my practice of law I embraced the risks of the privilege of advancing meritorious legal matters first of kind. Among the many “firsts” the seminal case of America On Line vs. AOLTravel, litigating against the goliath before the World Intellectual Property Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland, first establishing the bases of legitimacy of an internet domain name registration for the law books; the first in use of the United States Federal Courts to cause the Republic of Italy to cease a malicious disparagement of my U.S. private citizen client, though raising the ire of our judiciary; the first of independent legal practitioners to systemically establish an European based operation with satellite office in the environs of Geneva for finding investment opportunities for U.S. clientele among the former Soviet Bloc immediately upon the fall of the Berlin Wall. My practice enjoyed meteoric success immensely rewarding with the corresponding professional accomplishment to happily adorn one’s curriculum vitae. One might have settled into its serene glide path into the indefinite future to a plateau of repose.
Rather, this instant success while operating within the constraint of the established model of simply monetizing lawyer time was eclipsed by the brutal resistance to my steadfast pursuit of my original mission, my longstanding purpose of achieving socio-economic equity via reform of our legal and political institutions. My strenuous efforts to impose legal accountability upon big banks for their predatory lending practices, the first of its kind long before its disastrous economic impact would become manifest in the worldwide financial collapse of 2008, the hostility of our centralized judiciary revealed that they would not bite the hand that feeds them. My attempts to reform our own legal profession with my proposals first to attempt implemention of the teachings of Nobel Laureate Ronald Coase with alternative billing practices mitigating the legal service transaction cost upon economic growth extending accessibility of legal services to the financially excluded and for permitting interdisciplinary services to generate a constructive economic value of our services to society, vehemently opposed by the centralized governance of our legal profession preserving its hierarchical pyramid of lawyer profitability reveling in the rewards of conformity to the legal herd, granting access to only those privileged of capital. But it was my attempts to first eradicate from the political institutions I then served its endemic corruption complicit in crimes against humanity which prompted the brutal retaliation from the power structure of the centralized authorities to silence me, sometimes fabricating falsities, at other times dangerously violent, always under color of law.
As my family and I successfully surmounted the retaliation, I followed the logic compelled by the facts, leading me from the ills of centralization to its obvious disarmament: decentralization, enabled by mathematics. This discovery of the mathematics of decentralized consensus, developed only in recent decades in poignant parallel with the existential challenges I faced, instilled new vigor into the mission I embarked upon as a young man of idealism, now with even greater fervor stemming from the mathematical certainty for achievement of that opportunity of socio-economic equity, tempered only by the uncertainty of humanity’s own reception of such latitude.
My work toward this paradigm change has markedly shifted from the legal practice to the legal sciences for the new first, devising a transactional logic democratizing economic access in a decentralized consensus. This I implement via the works of the uniquely designed CIMA.science, the transdisciplinary envelope I have founded for the realization of the vision to grow global prosperity by economic inclusion. It is my profoundly held belief that this capstone project of my professional work will in turn present society with the opportunity for transformation of our Newtonian age models of economic development largely seeking profit maximization to evolve to a quantum enlightened model of pure market forces driven economic formation, of an empowerment economics recognizing a superposition of each economic agent, optimizing the qualititative well being of the individual holding paramount the right of self determination.
When I grow up it is among my foremost aspirations to test this novel thesis as I shall strive to develop upon the seminal work of Quantum Economics commenced in 1978 by Prof. Asghar Qadir, acclaimed Nobel Laureate. I seek my ideal toward an inclusively egalitarian society launching the non-profit onepeoples.world, while harnessing my fervor for offshore sailing to serve oceanographic research promoting public awareness of marine ecology through my new project, quasar3nautic.blue. In parallel with these evolutionary efforts I am gratified to continue fostering socio-economic equity, human rights and access to justice via science and technology through a broad spectrum of association including the World Economic Forum, the Open Compute Project (OCP) , Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (IEEE SIGHT), American Mathematical Society (AMS), maintaining my tradition of advocay with active membership in relevant legal platforms, the International Bar Association, notably the IBA Human Rights Law Committee and American Bar Association, ABA Science and Technology Law Section.
To those intrigued by the anomaly of my course I offer the words of my esteemed law school Prof. Timothy Martin, whose Civil Procedure final exam I can recall absent mindedly missing, “read on,” for as in the words of Frank Zappa, “without deviation from the norm progress is not possible.”
Read on for to know of my story.